One of the most common pet owners’ complaints is that their dog has bad breath, and most of them start to think that this is part of the pet’s ownership. A survey shows that only one in 10 dog owners consult veterinarians about bad breath, and almost one in five thinks it is a severe health problem.
Nobody really wants to cuddle a dog with bad breath, but it is important to find the exact cause and treat it properly.
If your dog has bad breath, it does not mean he has bad teeth, this may be a reason, but there are also many problems related to bad breath.
If your dog also suffers from bad breath, see your vet right away. Here in this article, we will discuss the top 6 causes of bad breath in dogs and its solution.
6 Top Causes of Dog Bad Breath
The different causes of bad breath in dogs are:
1. Gum Diseases

Gum disease is one of the main causes of dog bad breath. This disease occurs due to a build-up of bacteria, also known as plaque, on your pup’s teeth. Bacteria are normal residents of the mouth, but bad bacteria grow on plaque and cause bad breath and unpleasant odors. If plaque remains on your dog’s teeth, it will result in inflammation and irritation of the gums, which are the first signs of periodontal disease.
Another sign that your dog is suffering from periodontal disease is that he will not try to eat anything. This may be due to toothache, or it may be due to a build-up of toxins in the body.
A study by the American Veterinary Medical Association shows that nearly 80% of dogs develop gum disease by the age of three.
If gum diseases are not treated in time, it will be very dangerous for your pet’s health. However, it is very easy to prevent gum disease in dogs by maintaining proper oral hygiene.
2. Diabetes
Dogs with diabetes also have bad breath, like acetone, which is similar to nail polish remover. Acetone is basically a type of ketone, and dogs suffering from diabetes have many ketones in their blood that make it acidic. Sometimes these ketones also smell exactly like a fruity or sweet smell.
Another common sign that your puppy will show when he has diabetes is that he will drink more and urinate more, and there will be more accidents in the house. In addition, there will be increased appetite and sudden weight loss, excessive sleepiness, irritability, and behavior changes.
3. Liver Problems
Sometimes dogs have extremely foul breath that is combined with a loss of appetite, vomiting, corneas, and yellowing gums – all of these are signs that your pup is suffering from liver disease. The bad smell is completely different from that caused by periodontal disease.
Bad breath that occurs as a result of liver disease smells similar to a dead animal or musty;
on the other hand, bad breath due to periodontal disease is much more sulfuric.
In case of a liver problem, consult your veterinarian immediately, as this problem can be life-threatening.
4. Licking of the Anal Area

Dogs sometimes have an itchy bottom due to worms or any injury and will continue to lick their anus where anal glands are present that can release fluid that reaches the puppy’s tongue. This smell is very bad and signifies that your dog’s anal gland needs to be expressed.
5. Teething
Puppies generally have one of the sweetest breaths, but if it gets a little smelly, this may be due to mild bleeding resulting from when your dog bites on chewing toys due to teething pain. When blood accumulates in the mouth bacteria, tend to grow and create a foul smell. So if you notice a bad smell in your pup, it could be a sign of infection.
6. Food
Sometimes litter or any other unapproved food material can make your dog’s breathe undesirable – even most vet-approved dog treats don’t necessarily freshen your dog’s breath.
Both wet and dry food have their pros and cons, and if you look at how they affect your dog’s breath, most dry food is better for your dog’s teeth as they help clean the teeth, but Wet food on the other hand, has a lot of moisture which is also good for the mouth.
However, if you are concerned about dog food and dog bad breath, see your vet right away, as they can tell you which option is the best for your dog.
How to Get Rid of Your Dog’s Bad Breath?
If your dog suffers from bad breath, it is important to pay a trip to your vet and if the possibility of any medical problems is eliminated, there are few things you can do to address this bad breath problem. Few things you can do are
Brushing Teeth
One of the simplest and easiest ways to combat bad breath is to brush your dog’s teeth. Veterinarians recommend brushing dogs’ teeth daily and, if not possible, at least once a week.
Clean Dishes of Food and Water
There are many bacteria present on the feeding bowls, and some of them are unpleasant and when they enter the mouth, they cause bad breath. It is important to clean the food plate after each feeding or at least once a day.
Introduce Chew Toys

Teething toys or chew toys are very helpful in cleaning and removing tartar from teeth. Select the right teething toy for your puppy.
Fruits and Vegetables

Most foods and vegetables are great for your dog’s health and play a helpful role in cleaning your dog’s teeth. But feed these treats in moderation and ask your vet about the serving size of these treats.
As you read before the cause of bad breath in dogs often is another health problem. Although you can use solutions, which are meant to refresh your dog’s breath, it is important to prevent the initial cause.
One of the ways how to deal with these problems and thereby also prevent bad breath is supplements.
Products like Black Balance supplements by Medrego, are helping to manage digestive problems which are often a cause of bad dog breath. Natural ingredients such as fulvic and humic acids are taking care of dogs starting from mouth to excretion and everything in between, including the esophagus, stomach, also liver, pancreas, intestines, and rectum, thereby also improving breath.
If you are finding it difficult to get rid of bad breath by maintaining oral health and healthy hygiene practices, consult your veterinarian, as there may be a health problem that is important to rule out.
The Medrego team always suggests consulting a qualified veterinarian for personalized advice.