What is the best therapy for dog arthritis?
The best therapy option list for dog arthritis includes supplements, drugs and natural remedies that manage inflammation in the joint. The best therapy for dog arthritis is the one that works for your dog. Not all dogs are equal. The efficacy of therapy is highly dependant on each individual.
Many veterinarians prescribe NSAIDs – non – steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Although they usually are safe, there are some concerns such as kidney, liver or digestive problems. These drugs work by blocking inflammatory mediators. Therefore, they will help with pain, but they will also slow down the healing process.
For instance, there is alternative therapy such as taking supplements like glucosamine, chondroitin, astaxanthin. Research shows that they can help reduce swelling and protect the remaining cartilage. The safety and efficacy of these supplements are highly dependant on their quality.
At home, you can manage your dog’s arthritis by improving the quality of bedding, massages and warm compresses, exercise regime and right diet that contains a lot of healthy fat like fish oil and coconut oil. Find more information about dog arthritis natural remedy treatment in this article.
However, these therapies will only help to manage the pain caused by arthritis and to reduce further development of arthritis.
Lots of research has been done to find the best therapy for arthritis. So far regenerative medicine has the best chances to help your dog to recover and gain some or full mobility back. Moreover, clinical studies have shown that Stem Cell Therapy currently is the most promising therapy for arthritis.
The injected Stem Cells move to the inflamed or damaged tissue, suppress the inflammation, relieve pain, and cause new tissue to grow. Stem Cells can differentiate into specialized cells and are able to regenerate tissues such as cartilage, which is the main damaged tissue in arthritic joints. Research shows that approximately 80% of injections lead to significant improvements in mobility, pain reduction, inflammation reduction with very little chance of complications. This therapy will slow down the progression of the disease or even stop it completely.